I found this article after I read Prof. Johnson's blog post about it. All the points from this article are so true and I think every programmer should read it.
Back to when I was in college, many students in Computer Science major thought programming is easy and kind of boring. It only requires time but less skills. Many people who have been programming for years after school still think in the same way. I think the major reason is that as computer hardware, programming languages and development tools has been improving so fast in the past decades, writing runnable and reasonably fast programs requires lower and lower learning curve. Even if you know nothing about computers, you can probably write a piece of Python code to do quite something in one or two days. However, does it really mean that programming become no-brainer now? It certainly does not. The superficial simplicity prevents people from thinking more about it. Just like Peter Norvig, I also have a few tips about how to teach yourself programming.
First thing first, make yourself interested in programming. Maybe programming is not one of your dream jobs, but if it is what you do now, try to become interested in it. This helps you kill the pains and have more enjoyable programming time.
If you did not know computers much, try to learn something about it. I strongly recommend a few books for basic concepts: Computer Organization and Design: The Hardware/Software Interface, Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach, Modern Operating Systems and Computer Networks. These books are all very well written and teach you many things you should know when you write programs. Without this knowledge, you won't be able to understand many important aspects of programming, such as pointers, why buffered I/O streams are faster, how to use threads correctly to avoid concurrency bugs and so on. Additionally, Jeff Dean has a list of numbers he believes everybody should know:
(from the slides of Jeff Dean's talk
Read the Design Patterns book once a year. I personally think this is the best book about programming I have ever read. It opens a new door to think about programing. When you read this book, think more beyond patterns for OO programming. There are actually programming patterns everywhere and they are powerful weapons to conquer system design problems. The more patterns you know, the more choices and beautiful ideas you will have when you design a system.
Open your mind and learn more languages even if you do not need them for work. Learning a new language helps you re-think programming. For example, say you are a Java programmer originally, when you learn Python, the first thing you may think about is dynamic typing. It may make you feel uncomfortable at the beginning, because you are so afraid that you will make typing mistakes. But after a while, you may feel dynamic typing helps you write programs faster. OK, now what, is it good or bad after all?
Read other people's code. One of the best ways to learn is to learning by examples, either good examples or bad examples. You can read open source code or read code written by your colleagues. Remember it when you think their code is good and try to improve it when you think their code is not that good. Our company has very strict code review policy. I learned a lot by reviewing other people's code and letting them review my code.
Get familiar with software development tools. There is a Chinese epigram saying "sharpen your knife before you cut wood" (工欲善其事,必先利其器). Many great development tools can significantly improve efficiency and quality of software development. Take Java as an example. Java is famous for having many great tools. Just to name a few open-source tools:
- IDE: Eclipse, NetBeans
- Buidling: Ant, Maven
- Debugging: jdb, jhat (heap analysis), jconsole (monitoring), Eclipse integrated debugging features.
- Profiling: jprof, NetBeans Profiler (I really like this)
- Static analysis tools: FindBugs, PMD
- Unit testing: JUnit framework, Emma (check unit testing coverage)
Think while you do. This is more about attitude. Even if you are in charge of just a small component of a large system, don't always bind your mind to that particular component. Think about big pictures, such as how the whole system works, what are good and what are bad, how to improve it and so on. If you think more, you will find you can learn a lot even if you are working on something that you thought was boring before.
Happy programming. :-)