Wednesday, October 14, 2009

"Stress Testing On Concurrent Problems - CHESS

Testing concurrent problems, such as data races, deadlock and so on, could be very hard. This kind of problems only happen with certain input and highly depend on how threads/processes are scheduled. In order to have good coverage of threads/processes schedules, people need to run the same testing many times and keep their fingers crossed to run into concurrent problems if there is any. This doesn't work well for problems that happen very rarely. People sometimes also use stress testing, testing with very heavy workload, to find potential concurrent problems. But this doesn't work well either, because heavy workload may introduce more concurrent operations, but it does not mean to introduce the right concurrent operations/orders to trigger concurrent problems.

The CHESS project from Microsoft Research tried to solve this problem. CHESS uses model checking technologies to explore different concurrent schedules, more specifically - how threads interleaves with each other, to find the one with concurrent problem. Once the problematic schedule is found, CHESS is able to accurately reproduce it later and let programmers debug the program. As an example from their paper, CHESS reported a deadlock after executing 6,727 different schedules in about 20 seconds. This is apparently is one of those tricky current bugs that take days to find.

The most interesting part to me about CHESS is how it controls the state space. It is not hard to imagine that the number of different schedules of a multi-threading program can be huge. CHESS uses various technologies to shrink the search space. There are two major strategies. The first one is preemption bounding - to limit the number of preemptions and use them carefully. According their previous paper, it shows that if the schedule desides a part of the preemptions, the rest of the schedule is determined automatically. Basically a problematic schedule only depends on a few preemptions to happen at the right places. The experience shows that having at most 2 preemptions is enough to find serious concurrency bugs. The other approach CHESS uses is to cache visited program states to prune redundant search. The questions is that what can be used as program state in terms of concurrent behaviors? CHESS uses happens-before graphs. The rationale is that "two executions that generate the same happens-before graph only differ in the order of independent synchro-nizations operations".

Microsoft Research already integrated CHESS into Visual Studio 2008. It works for multi-threaded single-process application. If you are interested, download and give it a try. For latest updates about CHESS, check out its blog.

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